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source code

from turtle import *

# Doraemon with Python Turtle

def ankur(x, y): penup() goto(x, y) pendown() def aankha(): fillcolor("#ffffff") begin_fill() tracer(False) a = 2.5 for i in range(120): if 0 <= i < 30 or 60 <= i < 90: a -= 0.05 lt(3) fd(a) else: a += 0.05 lt(3) fd(a) tracer(True) end_fill() def daari(): ankur(-32, 135) seth(165) fd(60) ankur(-32, 125) seth(180) fd(60) ankur(-32, 115) seth(193) fd(60) ankur(37, 135) seth(15) fd(60) ankur(37, 125) seth(0) fd(60) ankur(37, 115) seth(-13) fd(60) def mukh(): ankur(5, 148) seth(270) fd(100) seth(0) circle(120, 50) seth(230) circle(-120, 100) def muflar(): fillcolor('#e70010') begin_fill() seth(0) fd(200) circle(-5, 90) fd(10) circle(-5, 90) fd(207) circle(-5, 90) fd(10) circle(-5, 90) end_fill() def nak(): ankur(-10, 158) seth(315) fillcolor('#e70010') begin_fill() circle(20) end_fill() def black_aankha(): seth(0) ankur(-20, 195) fillcolor('#000000') begin_fill() circle(13) end_fill() pensize(6) ankur(20, 205) seth(75) circle(-10, 150) pensize(3) ankur(-17, 200) seth(0) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() circle(5) end_fill() ankur(0, 0) def face(): fd(183) lt(45) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() circle(120, 100) seth(180) fd(121) pendown() seth(215) circle(120, 100) end_fill() ankur(63.56, 218.24) seth(90) aankha() seth(180) penup() fd(60) pendown() seth(90) aankha() penup() seth(180) fd(64) def taauko(): penup() circle(150, 40) pendown() fillcolor('#00a0de') begin_fill() circle(150, 280) end_fill() def Doraemon(): taauko() muflar() face() nak() mukh() daari() ankur(0, 0) seth(0) penup() circle(150, 50) pendown() seth(30) fd(40) seth(70) circle(-30, 270) fillcolor('#00a0de') begin_fill() seth(230) fd(80) seth(90) circle(1000, 1) seth(-89) circle(-1000, 10) # print(pos()) seth(180) fd(70) seth(90) circle(30, 180) seth(180) fd(70) # print(pos()) seth(100) circle(-1000, 9) seth(-86) circle(1000, 2) seth(230) fd(40) # print(pos()) circle(-30, 230) seth(45) fd(81) seth(0) fd(203) circle(5, 90) fd(10) circle(5, 90) fd(7) seth(40) circle(150, 10) seth(30) fd(40) end_fill() seth(70) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() circle(-30) end_fill() ankur(103.74, -182.59) seth(0) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() fd(15) circle(-15, 180) fd(90) circle(-15, 180) fd(10) end_fill() ankur(-96.26, -182.59) seth(180) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() fd(15) circle(15, 180) fd(90) circle(15, 180) fd(10) end_fill() ankur(-133.97, -91.81) seth(50) fillcolor('#ffffff') begin_fill() circle(30) end_fill() # Doraemon with Python Turtle ankur(-103.42, 15.09) seth(0) fd(38) seth(230) begin_fill() circle(90, 260) end_fill() ankur(5, -40) seth(0) fd(70) seth(-90) circle(-70, 180) seth(0) fd(70) ankur(-103.42, 15.09) fd(90) seth(70) fillcolor('#ffd200') # print(pos()) begin_fill() circle(-20) end_fill() seth(170) fillcolor('#ffd200') begin_fill() circle(-2, 180) seth(10) circle(-100, 22) circle(-2, 180) seth(180 - 10) circle(100, 22) end_fill() goto(-13.42, 15.09) seth(250) circle(20, 110) seth(90) fd(15) dot(10) ankur(0, -150) black_aankha() if __name__ == '__main__': screensize(800, 600, "#f0f0f0") pensize(3) speed(4) Doraemon() ankur(100, -300) write('by sangram panda', font=("Bradley Hand ITC", 30, "bold")) mainloop()