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# Dataabse managemant System

1. SELECT * FROM employees; 2. SELECT DISTINCT department_id FROM employees; 3. SELECT last_name, salary, commission_pct FROM employees WHERE commission_pct = 0.2; 4. SELECT first_name, department_id, salary * 0.15 AS "TA", salary * 0.4 AS "DA", salary * 0.32 AS "HRA", salary * (0.87) + salary AS "GROSS SALARY" FROM employees; Certainly, here are your SQL queries separated and explained individually: 5. **Select last names and job IDs of employees with managers (where manager_id is not null)**: ```sql SELECT last_name, job_id FROM employees WHERE manager_id IS NOT NULL; ``` 6. **Select specific columns for employees with a non-null commission percentage, ordered by salary**: ```sql SELECT first_name, last_name, department_id, salary, commission_pct FROM employees WHERE commission_pct IS NOT NULL ORDER BY salary; ``` 7. **Select last names and department IDs for employees in departments 30 and 50, ordered by last names**: ```sql SELECT last_name, department_id FROM employees WHERE department_id IN (30, 50) ORDER BY last_name; ``` 8. **Select last names, department IDs, job IDs, and hire dates for employees hired between '20-Feb-1998' and '01-June-1999'**: ```sql SELECT last_name, department_id, job_id, hire_date FROM employees WHERE hire_date >= '20-Feb-1998' AND hire_date < '01-June-1999'; ``` 9. **Select last names of employees with first names that have "a" as the second character (using the underscore "_" as a wildcard for the first character)**: ```sql SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE '_a%'; ``` 10. **Select last names of employees with both "i" and "o" in their last names**: ```sql SELECT last_name FROM employees WHERE last_name LIKE '%i%' AND last_name LIKE '%o%'; ``` 11. **Select first names and hire dates of employees hired between '01-Jan-1999' and '31-Dec-1999'**: ```sql SELECT first_name, hire_date FROM employees WHERE hire_date >= '01-Jan-1999' AND hire_date <= '31-Dec-1999'; ``` You can run each of these SQL queries separately in your database management system to retrieve the desired results for each query. 23 August 2023 at 22:17 12. **Select first name, last name, salary, and department ID of all employees**: ```sql SELECT first_name, last_name, salary, department_id FROM employees; ``` 13. **Select only the department IDs of all employees**: ```sql SELECT department_id FROM employees; ``` 14. **Select distinct department IDs from the employees table**: ```sql SELECT DISTINCT department_id FROM employees; ``` 15. **Select all columns for employees with a salary greater than 10,000**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > 10000; ``` 16. **Select all columns for employees with a salary greater than or equal to 10,000**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary >= 10000; ``` 17. **Select all columns for employees with a salary less than 10,000**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary < 10000; ``` 18. **Select all columns for employees with a salary less than or equal to 10,000**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary <= 10000; ``` 19. **Select all columns for employees with a salary not equal to 10,000**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary <> 10000; ``` 20. **Select all columns for employees with a salary equal to 10,000**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary = 10000; ``` 21. **Select all columns for employees with the last name 'King'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE last_name = 'King'; ``` 21. **Select * from employees where department_id > ANY(90,100)**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE department_id > ANY(90,100); ``` 22. **Select * from employees where email='SKING'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE email = 'SKING'; ``` 23. **Select * from employees where salary > any(4000,6000,11000)**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > ANY(4000, 6000, 11000); ``` 24. **Select * from employees where salary > all(4000,6000,11000)**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary > ALL(4000, 6000, 11000); ``` 25. **Select * from employees where salary in(4100,9500,17000,24000)**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary IN (4100, 9500, 17000, 24000); ``` 26. **Select * from employees where first_name in('Steven','Neena')**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name IN ('Steven', 'Neena'); ``` 27. **Select * from employees where salary between 10000 and 24000**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary BETWEEN 10000 AND 24000; ``` 28. **Select * from employees where hire_date between '12-aug-1987' and '01-jan-2000'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE hire_date BETWEEN '12-aug-1987' AND '01-jan-2000'; ``` 29. **Select * from employees where first_name like 'Sh%'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE 'Sh%'; ``` 30. **Select * from employees where first_name like '%s'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE first_name LIKE '%s'; ``` 31. **Select * from employees where salary between**: It appears that this query is incomplete. Please specify the salary range you want to use in the `BETWEEN` clause. 32. **Select * from employees where salary >= 5000 and hire_date <= '17-jun-87'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary >= 5000 AND hire_date <= '17-jun-87'; ``` 33. **Select * from employees where salary >= 5000 and job_id = 'IT_PROG'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary >= 5000 AND job_id = 'IT_PROG'; ``` 34. **Select employee_id, salary + COMMISSION_PCT * salary from employees**: ```sql SELECT employee_id, salary + (COMMISSION_PCT * salary) AS "Total Earnings" FROM employees; ``` 35. **Select employee_id, first_name, salary * 0.1 as "HRA" from employees**: ```sql SELECT employee_id, first_name, salary * 0.1 as "HRA" FROM employees; ``` 36. **Select * from employees order by salary desc**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC; ``` 37. **Select * from employees order by salary**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY salary; ``` 38. **Select employee_id, first_name, salary * 0.15 as "TA" from employees**: ```sql SELECT employee_id, first_name, salary * 0.15 as "TA" FROM employees; ``` 28 August 2023 at 03:13 39. **Select * from employees where salary >= 5000 and hire_date >= '01-jan-2000'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary >= 5000 AND hire_date >= '01-jan-2000'; ``` 40. **Select * from employees where salary >= 5000 and job_id = 'SA_MAN'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE salary >= 5000 AND job_id = 'SA_MAN'; ``` 41. **Select employee_id, first_name, salary + commission_pct * salary from employees**: ```sql SELECT employee_id, first_name, salary + (commission_pct * salary) AS "Total Earnings" FROM employees; ``` 42. **Select employee_id, first_name, salary, salary * 0.1 as "HRA" from employees**: ```sql SELECT employee_id, first_name, salary, salary * 0.1 as "HRA" FROM employees; ``` 43. **Select * from employees where hire_date <= '01-jan-2020'**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees WHERE hire_date <= '01-jan-2020'; ``` 44. **Select * from employees order by salary**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY salary; ``` 45. **Select * from employees order by salary desc**: ```sql SELECT * FROM employees ORDER BY salary DESC; ``` 46. **Select distinct job_id from employees**: ```sql SELECT DISTINCT job_id FROM employees; ``` 47. **Select employee_id, commission_pct from employees where commission_pct is not null**: ```sql SELECT employee_id, commission_pct FROM employees WHERE commission_pct IS NOT NULL; ```

Aggregate function in sql (04-09-2023)

1. Get the current date and time: ```sql SELECT SYSDATE FROM DUAL; ``` 2. Extract the year from the current date: ```sql SELECT EXTRACT(YEAR FROM SYSDATE) FROM DUAL; ``` 3. Add 12 months to a specific date ('01-jan-2020'): ```sql SELECT ADD_MONTHS(TO_DATE('01-jan-2020', 'dd-mon-yyyy'), 12) FROM DUAL; ``` 4. Get the last day of a specific date ('01-jan-2020'): ```sql SELECT LAST_DAY(TO_DATE('01-jan-2020', 'dd-mon-yyyy')) FROM DUAL; ``` 5. Assuming you have an 'employees' table and want to retrieve the hire date and the last day of '01-jan-2020': ```sql SELECT hire_date, LAST_DAY(TO_DATE('01-jan-2020', 'dd-mon-yyyy')) FROM employees; ``` 6. Calculate the number of months between the current date and '01-jan-2023': ```sql SELECT MONTHS_BETWEEN(SYSDATE, TO_DATE('01-jan-2023', 'dd-mon-yyyy')) FROM DUAL; ``` 1. Get the total number of employees: ```sql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM employees; ``` 2. Get the count of non-null job IDs for employees: ```sql SELECT COUNT(job_id) FROM employees; ``` 3. Get the count of distinct job IDs for employees: ```sql SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT job_id) FROM employees; ``` 4. Find the minimum salary among all employees: ```sql SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees; ``` 5. Find the maximum salary among all employees: ```sql SELECT MAX(salary) FROM employees; ``` 6. Find the minimum salary for each job ID: ```sql SELECT job_id, MIN(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY job_id; ``` 7. Find the maximum salary for each job ID: ```sql SELECT job_id, MAX(salary) FROM employees GROUP BY job_id; ``` 8. Find the average salary for each department where the department ID is not null: ```sql SELECT department_id, AVG(salary) FROM employees WHERE department_id IS NOT NULL GROUP BY department_id; ```

Alternative SQL in sql (09-10-2023)

1** CREATE TABLE Workers(Empno number(4),Name varchar2(122),Job varchar2(55),Mgr number(10),salary number(10)); ** 2 **ALTER TABLE Workers ADD commission number; ** 3** ALTER TABLE Workers RENAME column job to designation; ** 4 ** ALTER TABLE Workers DROP column commission; ** 5** ALTER TABLE Workers ADD CONSTRAINT not_null CHECK (Name IS NOT NULL AND Empno IS NOT NULL AND Salary IS NOT NULL); ** 6 ** ALTER TABLE Workers ADD UNIQUE (Empno); ** 7 ** ALTER TABLE Workers ADD PRIMARY KEY (Empno); ** 8 ** insert all into Workers values(69,'Sangram Panda','Programer',234,1200) into Workers values(68,'Sangbeet Roy','Programer',234,18000) into Workers values(67,'Sangram Tripathi','Programerhead',231,120000) into Workers values(66,'Satya narayan misra','jrProgarmer',231,120000) into Workers values(65,'Soumya Ranjan Panda','developer',234,13000) select * from dual; ** 9 ** UPDATE Workers SET Salary = Salary * 1.10; ** 10 ** ALTER TABLE Workers MODIFY Salary number NULL; **

Update & Delete (02-11-2023)

1. DROP TABLE Sangram 2. CREATE TABLE Sangram AS SELECT * FROM employees 3. UPDATE Sangram SET JOB_ID='Manager' WHERE First_name='Neena' 4. UPDATE Sangram SET salary=12345 WHERE First_name='Neena' 5. UPDATE Sangram SET Salary=salary+0.1*salary 6. UPDATE Sangram SET JOB_ID='Se_Manager' WHERE First_name='Neena' 7. DELETE FROM Sangram WHERE JOB_ID='Manager' 8. DELETE FROM Sangram WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID IN (101, 105, 107) 9. UPDATE Sangram SET hire_date='15-MAY-2021' WHERE EMPLOYEE_ID=119 10. DELETE FROM Sangram WHERE hire_date>'01-JAN-2021' AND MANAGER_ID IS NOT NULL 11. UPDATE Sangram SET Salary=salary+0.2*salary WHERE JOB_ID LIKE '%man' 12. UPDATE Sangram SET COMMISSION_PCT=0.15*salary WHERE hire_date > '1-JAN-2015'